A little collection of GIFs created for playoffs, personal projects and practice.
They are entirely unrelated yet all bear my personal dotty texture and favourite yet slightly 
obnoxious color palette, so I figured I'd give them a place to live all together, in harmony, 
because GIFs have feelings too youknow.
A personal piece I made for the sake of practice and figure skating.
An infinity symbol I made for my Portfolio website's GIF page. 
But really, it was my secret attempt at recreating the wind in Pocahontas.
Personal thingy I made to honour all the lovely veggie-based "meat" creations out there,  
but also to make fun of people who say "But humans have always eaten animals, it's in our NATURE! 
So if it's NATURAL, how can it be so bad for the environment, ehhh?!"
*triple face palm*
For the Caffeina Playoff, about testing user experiences with real people. 
It got me a coffee mug and a backpack and other nicknacks which all make me happy. 
I'm a simple creature like that.
A windy dandelion transition I had thought of for another project but didn't fit the vibe. 

For the SiteGround Playoff, about what craft in web hosting means to me. 
Playoffs make for great design exercises if you can make a little time for it. 
I'd always wanted to test out a 3D-ish city build-up animation 
but hadn't found the time\motivation\reason\will, until then!

For the Wix Playoff, about what goes on in a designer's mind. 
This little guy actually won me a sweet stack of moolah 
that I put aside for a rainy day like the good girl that I am.
Various GIFs


Various GIFs

A collection of random and personal GIFs I designed and animated.
